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Book Talks



Include the following:


  • Your book’s title, author, and genre

  • A lead that grabs my attention

  • A brief plot summary that doesn’t give away TOO much

  • A recommendation to other readers who might like this novel

  • Good things the author did (created a movie behind your eyelids with sensory details and by using strong verbs, did an excellent job creating suspense, created strong characters that were easy to identify with, etc.).  Remember to back up your claims with examples from the book

  • The main message (Theme) you get from the novel.  Did your novel deal with one or more of the following ideas: life, death, heroism, escape, love, coming of age, hope, patriotism, betrayal, power, sense of self, conformity, alienation? 

  • Remember to have some brief (one to two lines) passages ready to support your points. 


Keep the talk between one and two minutes long.

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