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Writing Assignment: “A Moment in Time” Snapshot


For this writing assignment, zero in on a particularly memorable moment in your life and create a movie behind the reader’s eyelids...   To create a “Moment in Time” snapshot, zoom in on the details that matter and zoom past the ones that don’t.  Slow down your senses.  What do you want your reader to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel? Pay attention to voice and sensory detail.


Where can you look for writing ideas?  Circle a line from your Where I am From poem and develop that moment in time, or highlight a line in one of your quick writes and recreate that memory.  Look at your heart map for ideas.


Before you begin to write your first draft, try storyboarding.  Draw four boxes in your writer’s notebook and draw out your “story.”  Include the details that will bring your snapshot to life.  



Choose your snapshot

Storyboard the snapshot

Start writing

Pay attention to the features of a “Moment in Time” snapshot.  (Refer to the teacher’s exemplar.)

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